Sustainability and fundraising

The land

Hope, Faith & Grace Community Projects is raising funds and requesting sponsorship to buy land because it is critical to be anchored in our community to help young people. We will be an important hub that will create opportunities for these young adults and businesses in our area. We want this project to stay and assist as many generations as possible in the near future.

Occupancy is a costly operating expense and buying the land will take the monthly burden of raising funds away to lease and let us focus more on our young adults with all the programmes that they will be offered.

Sustainability is a challenge for any organisation and physical space is a key factor.  For our safe haven youth centre, we require land up to 1.5 hectares so we can utilize as much space as possible for many sustainable projects such as self-sufficient farming, woodworking, and leasing to small businesses and other organisations.

Adverts and services

Due to the economy and the effects of COVID-19 it has affected so many companies, small businesses, and self-employed people. Marketing can become very costly, and we can offer them the chance to give back to the community by making a monthly pledge to our organisation where we will introduce them on our social media platforms, and advertise on our Adverts and Services page, giving them more exposure and helping us towards our sustainable income for our day-to-day expenses.

Shop by us

Our young adults will be subjected to various skills projects such as woodworking, needlework, welding, painting, and so much more. Items made will be sold in our online shop and Facebook page, as well in our craft shop at the centre.


Donated items and some of our handmade items will also be auctioned off, making a fun way of raising funds, where the buyer will receive some publicity by being advertised on our social media platforms.

Fundraising events

We will challenge our youth with fundraising events where they will be challenged in teams to raise the most money with items they want to sell.  They will be tasked with the customer service, display, and how they manage the money. We will invite members of the public to these events to raise money by means of entrance fees and renting out stand space.


We are looking for a 27-seater bus and combi, as this will be a huge asset to drive our young adults to training venues, outreaches and for our school going youth. This will also be used as a form of income as transportation service for children to go to school.